GIS Odyssey Journal <p><em><strong>GIS Odyssey Journal</strong></em> <strong>ISSN 2720-2682</strong> (online), is an interdisciplinary, international, peer-reviewed and open access journal, published in the electronic version.</p> <p>Publication in the journal is <strong>free of charge</strong>.</p> <p>Articles are published in <strong>English only</strong>.</p> <p>It provides an advanced forum for geographic information science: Cartography, Geoinformatics Systems – Information Technology, Geoinformation and Law, Cultural and Natural Heritage Management, Globalization and Social-Economic Problems, The State and Local Level Administration &amp; Management, Ecology, Sea and Water Management, Environmental and Earth Resources Management, Spatial Information Systems in Practice, The New GIS Solutions, Agriculture and Forestry, The Integrated Europe and World – Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe, Emergency Management – Post-War and Post-Disaster Reconstruction Projects, Smart city.</p> <p>It is published since 2021 year as semi-annual by the SILGIS Association (Poland) and Croatian-Polish Scientific Network (CPSN). Previously since 2016 till 2020 published as Conference proceedings (GIS Odyssey) by GIS Forum (Croatia). From 1994 till 2015 achievements of international GIS conferences based on Croatian-Polish cooperation were published in the form of books. Publications 1994-2020 are presented on the website</p> <p><strong>Important for authors affiliated with Polish institutions:</strong><br />According to <a href="" data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&amp;ust=1640958519795000&amp;usg=AOvVaw1vHzWyX0nmL1KnzM0mR6es">the announcement by the Minister of Education and Science dated 1st December 2021</a> journal <em>GIS Odyssey Journal </em>was entered on the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences and received 20 points. Assigned scientific disciplines: information and communication technology; forestry; agriculture and horticulture; social and economic geography and spatial management; law; Earth and related environmental sciences.</p> en-US <p>This is an open access publication, which can be used, distributed and reproduced in any medium according to the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License.</p> (GIS Odyssey Journal) (dr Małgorzata Gajos-Gržetić) Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:01:28 +0000 OJS 60 PPP USING GALILEO-ONLY OBSERVATION IN RECEIVER ANTENNA PCC ASPECT <p>Besides the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (GLONASS), two additional global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) have reached full operational capability in recent years. The European Union, along with the European Space Agency, introduced the Galileo positioning system. China is developing the BeiDou system. To fully utilize the capabilities of the new systems, dedicated precise models and corrections are necessary. An example of such corrections can be antenna phase center corrections (PCC). In the case of Galileo, access to phase center corrections may be challenging. This is because a lot of GNSS antenna types still have no corrections directly dedicated to Galileo signals. In such a case, corrections created based on GPS signals are recommended. The study compared the positions of stations, determined based on Galileo-only observations using type-mean and individual PCC models obtained from field and anechoic chamber calibration. Additionally, calculations were performed using elevation-only PCC based on the type-mean model. It was demonstrated that position shifts resulting from the use of individual PCC derived from an out-door calibration instead of individual calibration in an anechoic chamber (dedicated PCC set for Galileo signals) can reach up to 5 mm in the vertical component, while for horizontal components, these shifts are generally less than 2 mm.</p> Karol Dawidowicz Copyright (c) 2024 Karol Dawidowicz Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SELECTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS TO SUPPORT GIS SYSTEMS <p>The aim of this paper is to characterise the selection process of artificial intelligence tools that, using artificial intelligence for different purposes and tasks, can best support the operation of GIS-class systems. The selection process proposes the use of selected formal methods of multi-criteria comparative analysis belonging to the repertoire of systems analysis methods. Artificial intelligence tools can help improve the quality and performance of GIS-class systems, for example by automating processes, facilitating visualisation, detecting anomalies, generating forecasts, optimising routes, etc. The intention is not to compare specific tools, but only to indicate the importance of the various stages of the selection process, and in particular the importance of the criteria for evaluating AI tools for GIS support.</p> Piotr Górny Copyright (c) 2024 Piotr Górny Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GIS INFORMATION SYSTEM CONTINGENCY PLAN AS A KEY ARTIFACT IN THE CYBERSECURITY MANAGEMENT LIFECYCLE <p>The article discusses the methodology of conducting a contingency planning process that an organization can use to develop and maintain a viable contingency planning program for IT/computer GIS systems. The process steps (seven steps) are designed to be integrated into each stage of the GIS lifecycle. This document guides building the organizational chart/structure of a contingency planning team and the persons/roles responsible for preparing and maintaining information system contingency plans (ISCPs). In addition, the article discusses the basic components and processes of a contingency plan, highlights specific considerations and issues related to contingency planning relating to different types of GIS platforms, and provides elements of good practice to help readers develop their ISCPs.</p> Maciej Kiedrowicz, Jerzy Stanik Copyright (c) 2024 Maciej Kiedrowicz, Jerzy Stanik Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EU TAXONOMY AS A BUSINESS ASSESSMENT TOOL: OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS, CHANCES TO USE NEW TECHNOLOGIES <p>The text presents EU taxonomy, part of European Green Deal, as a tool for environmental verification of businesses. It explains and describes the concept and relationship between EGD, CSRD, ESG and taxonomy. The text also attempts to identify the opportunities and risks for entrepreneurs associated with these new regulations. Understanding and exploiting them can support growth in the market. The first part of text focuses on the characterisation of the EGD policy and, within this, non-financial ESG reporting as CSRD obligation. Part two focuses on what the taxonomy is and what it serves. The third and final part deals with the new standards for categorising business activities as environmentally sustainable and the criteria for such recognition. In this part, an attempt is also made to indicate the possibilities of using new technologies like GIS and AI in taxonomy. Paper ends with conclusions and de lege ferenda recommendations. The whole is finished with list of resources valid on 15.05.2024.</p> Tomasz Bojar-Fijałkowski Copyright (c) 2024 Tomasz Bojar-Fijałkowski Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 HUMAN RIGHTS AS A FACTOR IN THE AI ALIGNMENT <p>One of the most important issues in the AI field is the alignment of AI goals with human goals. This paper examines the role of human rights in the AI alignment process. The subject of the analysis was acts adopted at the level of two European intergovernmental organisations, namely the European Union and the Council of Europe. The analysis aimed to describe situations in which references to human rights were made. The analysis showed that human rights may be considered a guide in European regulations related to AI. In particular, the so-called AI Act may be an example of a third-generation human rights regulation act. On the one hand, this means that the adopted human-centric approach is not just a slogan. However, some indicate that regulations may slow down the development of AI in Europe. There is also a question regarding the relationship between European regulations and regulations in other regions of the world.</p> Kamil Strzępek Copyright (c) 2024 Kamil Strzępek Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000